An affordable Made in Canada solution for model transport and storage!
Celebrating our fifth anniversary in 2020, the Cardboard Carferry System works to solve many problems experienced by the Canadian railway modeller. Those of us who lack large staging yards, require a safe and efficient storage space, or anyone who takes their equipment to club layouts, friends' layouts or train shows will benefit from these cases. Avoiding the US exchange rate as well as slow and expensive international shipping to Canada contribute to making the Cardboard Carferry System more affordable than any other similar product on the market. American and international buyers: all prices are in Canadian dollars and you may benefit from the strength of your currency. Best of all, it's in stock and available now!
Constructed out of high quality cardboard and lined with cushioning foam, our trays have the capacity to protect all of your HO scale rolling stock during transportation and storage. Each tray holds between 8 and 16 pieces of equipment. Locomotives can be accomodated, however for ease of carrying we recommend a maximum of 2 per tray. Each tray section is lined with foam strips, and four extra foam strips are included to be used as desired to cushion smaller equipment or otherwise prevent movement. The system includes 4 trays, meaning one Cardboard Carferry System holds between 32 and 64 pieces of equipment, entirely depending on what you are storing.
The system comes fully assembled - no worrying about messing up folds, cutting, drilling, etc. The system is ready to use. We have found it useful to glue the foam strips in place, however we wish to keep the system flexible. If you would like your foam glued in place, we recommend that you use conservative amounts of white glue applied to the cardboard as it will not bleed through or eat away at the foam.
Single trays are available for those of you who simply require a storage solution on shelves, in cupboards or under your layout. We think the Cardboard Carferry System includes enough foam strips, but we acknowledge that your purposes may be different than ours. If you have large quantities of flat cars or gondolas or want to use the system with very small rolling stock (perhaps of smaller scales), you may want more foam strips. Extra foam strips are available individually. The strips are designed to fit in the tray sections perfectly, but they may be cut to suit your specific needs. The large strip fits flat at the bottom of each tray section. The small strips fit on their side and are long enough to cover a side and an end each.
Each of the 4 trays in this carton can hold rolling stock as seen in the top tray. The lid has been removed and the convenient hand-holds are seen. Between 8 and 16 pieces of equipment fit in each tray.
We recommend attaching the foam strips to your trays using white glue for this uniform appearance. The third strip provided in each section can be used as desired.
8 full sized passenger cars fit comfortably. When properly weighted, cars sink into the foam and they will not slide when the tray is tilted or jostled. Lighter cars may require more foam protection.
Freight cars large and small are kept safe. There is no need to have different containers for different cars. All HO scale rolling stock fits in our trays regardless of length or height.
There are many storage and transportation possibilities with the Cardboard Carferry System |
Contact and Ordering Information
Pickup in Pickering or MIssissauga is available and we can ship worldwide. All prices are in Canadian dollars. We accept cash, credit cards, PayPal and Interac e-Transfer. Please contact us for ordering or should you require more information.
Pricing |
Full System |
Single Tray |
Large Foam Strip |
Small Foam Strip |
Includes a carton with friction-fit lid, 4 trays, 16 large foam strips and 48 small foam strips. |
Includes 1 tray, 4 large foam strips and 12 small foam strips. |
Fits in the bottom of each tray section. For heavy equipment or overhead protection, extras may be useful. |
Fits on the side and end of each tray section. Extras may be useful for smaller equipment. |
$135.00 |
$32.50 |
$1.75 |
$1.25 |
Frequently Asked Questions
Having spoken to hundreds of railway modellers about the Cardboard Carferry System, we are finding that many people have similar comments and questions. Here is a list of some of the most common questions.
Have you heard of the A-Line Hobby-Tote System?
Yes we have. In fact, learning about the A-Line Hobby-Tote System is one of the main reasons we created the Cardboard Carferry System. A group of friends were ready to buy either A-Line cases or the other available American products, until they realized how much money they would be paying to purchase, ship and import them. This realization was made with the Canadian Dollar at 92 cents US. With our dollar even weaker now and the restrictions and charges for purchasing and shipping from abroad, the Cardboard Carferry System is an even better buy. With us taking complete control over the project, we were also able to avoid some of the design issues found in the existing systems.
Is the Cardboard Carferry System available in stores?
Not yet, but stay tuned for information. If you are a railway modeller and would like to see the Cardboard Carferry System in your local hobby store, please ask them to contact us. If you operate a hobby store and would like to stock the Cardboard Carferry System in your store, please contact us.
Where is the Cardboard Carferry System made?
The cardboard and foam have been sourced from within the Greater Toronto Area. Assembly is in Mississauga and Pickering, Ontario. We are proud to offer this made in Canada product!
Can the Cardboard Carferry System hold N, S or O scale model trains?
Yes and no. We are working on a version of the Cardboard Carferry System for N scale and hope to have a finished product soon. S scale models should fit perfectly. O scale, being twice the size of HO, may fit in the trays without foam, but there may not be enough clearance to stack trays. If you would like to see products developed for your scale, please contact us.
How can I order?
Please send us an e-mail. If you are picking up your purchases in person, we can accept cash or credit cards. If you would like to have your Cardboard Carferry System products shipped to you, please send us an e-mail indicating whether you'd like to pay by Interac e-Transfer, PayPal or credit card.
Why don't you have a phone number?
Everyone who is involved with the Cardboard Carferry System works full time jobs with varied hours where fielding personal phone calls is inappropriate or impossible. If a number were to be posted, we would not be able to guarantee your call would be answered. Therefore e-mail is the best way to get a hold of us. We promise to get back to you as soon as possible, often within a few minutes.
How much does shipping cost?
Good question. Rough calculations indicate around $35 for delivery of a single Full System in Canada by Canada Post. If you are not close enough to pick up or will not see us at any train shows, please send us an e-mail with your address and we can get you a more precise shipping quote.
Who owns Cardboard Carferry System?
A group of HO scale railway modellers who were going to buy the existing storage systems, but who settled on instead putting their money towards developing a better, Canadian solution.
What are the exterior dimensions of a Full System?
30 1/2" long by 16" wide by 11" deep.
What are the exterior dimensions of a Single Tray?
29 3/8" long by 13 3/4" wide by 2 1/2" deep.
Why Cardboard Carferry System?
Simple. The system is made of cardboard, and we settled on the carferry part because carferries bridge the gap between railways. Since many of us operate our trains on home layouts, friends' layouts and club layouts, it could be said that our equipment is interchanged between said layouts by carferry. The durability and flexibility of the Cardboard Carferry System makes it the second best place to store your model trains. (The best place, of course, being on your layout.)
Am I still allowed to ask my question if it is not frequently asked?
Of course! Please e-mail us for more information!
Last updated DV: July 19, 2020